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I had a good laugh over this part. As you read it, think of all the "MORAL," Trump-loving "Christians" you read about EVERY day (and IDIOTS like Frankie Graham!) Although, to be fair, it DOES say "until recently." HAha!:

"Research shows that atheists are trusted less than religious people. In fact, even atheists trust their fellow atheists less than religious people. And until recently, a majority of Americans believed that atheists are not moral."

Here’s why some people distrust atheists []

Daco2007 7 Dec 26

Enjoy being online again!

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I distrust anyone who votes for war criminals all guilty since ReaGUN 1982 the White House is stained forever with blood since 1800


BS. Forty years ago, having attended multiple Atheist functions and meetings, I realized an obvious difference that still sets us apart - we are trustworthy. Granted, there are more of us now.. but I’d trust us over them any time!

Varn Level 8 Dec 26, 2019
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