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Never take love for granted.
Look at all the people who did and now are alone.

Jolanta 9 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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I think the question of love is very complicated. First, we have to differentiate being in love with being in a relationship. One does not necessarily equal the other. My favourite Chinese proverb goes something like this:

"Marriage is like the forbidden city. Everyone on the outside wants in and everyone on the inside wants out."

romantic love is a very nebulous concept. It changes, evolves and disappears. Te most tragic part is when it goes unrequited. We probably all know people who have been emotionally crushed by a lack of love or a lost love.

The main goal in life is happiness -- with or without love. Some might argue that happiness cannot be achieved without love. Personally, I am not sure.

Don’t take it for granted that love is only ever between people.


There it is again, FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Of course actual love should be nourished. But it all depends on what you classify as "love".


Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.


Think about this:

  1. Being alone is not a terrible thing, often it is better to be out than be in for the wrong reasons.
  2. There are relationships where love has dried up, there are only bills, the magic is gone
  3. Don't assume all relationship are about love
  4. Love with the right one is important, being with someone does not necessary bring love. It may, but not always
  5. There are a lot of benefits of being alone - freedom, saving money, burping loud, more friends, travel, taking anyone's phone call at any time including in bed...
  6. You don't need the pig at home for pork or a cow for milk. These are modern times
  7. Some have love for books, travel, hobbies, writing... that love is beautiful too
  8. Love is overrated.

Seems to me you are trying very hard to convince yourself here.

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