The blind leading the blind?
Christian civilization at its best, smash, burn, destroy, forbid, kill
How dare those aborigines exercise free will. Don’t they know that we Great White Overlords enjoy thinking of them as they were in1800? They ought to preserve that culture so that we can continue to enjoy their quaintness, museum-style. Never mind that most of their traditions have long since died out as they evolved alongside the Anglos, and that Anglo culture has changed drastically since 1800 also.
It seems odd that atheists who are so keen on throwing out their own religious traditions should feel badly when others do the same.
Isn't it simply a variant of "deny me 3 x before the cock crows"?
The tragedy of the Anglo-Celtic tradition in Australia is that they wilfully and systematically dissected the indigenous culture by, among many things, taking the children and placing them with Anglo families to undermine their whole culture.
The Prime Minister around 2011 (Frayed Bear would be more knowledgeable than I here) publicly apologised for the actions of the time.
Appalling behaviour and people used to say they were proud to be British!
@Geoffrey51 @FrayedBear I agree that it was a tragedy, something like a holocaust. Somewhat the same things happened here in North America with the Trail of Tears, etc., etc.
My point is that each person must be considered individually and each should be able to decide his or her course of action. If someone decides to abandon their traditional culture, then that is their business only. They have their reasons, and if we were in their shoes we would understand those reasons.
For millennia our European ancestors worshipped various gods and goddesses, made human and animal sacrifices, and observed various religious rituals such as drinking boar’s blood. They converted to Christianity and they did that for reasons. Not many are rushing to take up that tradition again.
Think of it as a stepping stone to the attainment of the ultimate moral and intellectual superiority of atheism.
@WilliamFleming In this case I think it more a case of "prove to us that you have converted" rather than destroying old sacred artefacts. At least least the catholic missionaries often had the house to incorporate such sacred symbols into the brand of xtianity promulgated in the specific locality being converted! These are proseletising evangelical Pacific Islanders promulgating their minority disrespect against other Pacific Islanders - in this case Australians.
@WilliamFleming I do not disagree with your final para except that what is being attempted is to divorce people from their ancestry. In this case we are talking of the longest known continuous human timeline - one that goes back 50,000 years. That is what the johnny come latelies are attempting to deny, disrespect and expunge. I imagine that for Americans it would be like destroying the Statue of Liberty, the White House, the Liberty Bell, Mt Rushmore, the Constitution, etc.
Have you ever seen one of those shows where they ask americans questions on the street like," can you point to Australia?"
@rathswohl No, I don’t have TV. Why do you ask? That seems irrelevant to the discussion.
Down here smh is the Sydney Morning Herald - what's yours?
@FrayedBear shaking my head
@bingst thanks Bing.