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Just want to vent. Had discussions with a cousin who has become an envagelical in the past couple years. He is a teacher for inner city kids. He is an Iraq war veteran with severe ptsd who also came close to death and lost a lot of soldiers. And has also gone through two nasty divorces. He is 47.
I am 34 and was an evangelical for 27 years. We both want to help people and make the world a better place. I tell him that is what God/Jesus wants, but he says there is more to that.
He would ask me how to give suicidal kids hope with my science and reason.
Also Psychology failed him and only god helped him.
I try to convince him that it's his growth and maturity and understanding is what helped him conquer his demons.

I just really wanted to enjoy my birthday party. My cousin lives very far away i only see him twice a year.

AbramH85 6 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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"Also Psychology failed him and only god helped him."
This is a contradiction in terms


Wow America, a place where a delusional, emotionally unstable PTSD sufferer and religious fanatic is thought to be the ideal person to counsel suicidal youngsters.
The stupidity of the American health and education services never fails to simultaneously surprise and horrify me.


If he is getting people out of dark places, is that so bad.

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