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I had no idea that my sister's boyfriend is a creationist. His reasonings are some astrophysicists have "proven" it's real. He also said NASA means deception in Hebrew and that's what lead him down the path of questioning everything.

On xmas, this was brought up and my sister quickly changed topics. He's a nice kid but he's so bizarre and goes off the rails on these tangents that make no sense, going around in a circle of nonsense.

I love my sister and I'm still nice to her boyfriends but she has an interesting taste in men; also given the fact that she's not religious at all.

vjohnson51 7 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow talk about strange

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 28, 2019

Your sister needs to get away from that guy. He is dangerous.


It doesn't it means "try"
הונאה means deception and I grant you it LOOKS a little like nasa but is pronounced UnaHa


NASA means deception in Hebrew??! Checkmate, atheists, I guess.

I tried putting nasa into a phonetic Hebrew to English tool online and the translation is "nasa".

I would imagine he just heard this from some conspiracy theorist and never checked it out.

People like this just NEED to believe something or be a part of some desired group and engage in rampant confirmation bias to justify it.

@vjohnson51 I would imagine that you could scour all the languages of the world to find one somewhere that says some random word means something negative. Even if true, it's meaningless. I was going to say that any idiot could see that, but I guess not ...


If he is around 22, might be incipient schizophrenia.......


How old is he, about?

@vjohnson51 Bless. Looks like he has the enthusiasm of youth. I would be concerned if he was in his thirties.

The good thing is he is exploring. There won’t be many people considering Hebrew as an interest.

I suspect next he will get involved with Gematria and numerology. Nothing wrong with that as he will be studying!

I’m sure he will find his way through.


The boyfriend sounds uninformed. There are Christian universities which teach creationism science, and people can get degrees in that science. To me it is very scary to think fundamentalists are becoming much more authoritarian about their beliefs by giving and getting degrees in such belief systems. But I feel it is a bunch of "bunk, baloney, cot, pallet, hogwash, garbage, claptrap, tomfoolery, jazz, bilge, hooey, piffle, flimflam, applesauce, poppycock, balderdash, trash, rot, tommyrot, twaddle," or whatever. []

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