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Satan and I in Florida . We had great x , and back to work for both of us . He was given to me by the people who coordinate my schedule , I always sign my emails w a bat and since they know that I am an atheist , they figured , “ it had your name on ma’am “🦇😂
No problem ! Hello Satan , welcome to the family ♥️✌🏻😂
Hope everyone is doing well ♥️

Pralina1 9 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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You look great. Love from snowy Colorado.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I am hoping no snow in Virginia this year ! I missed u Sir !!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Good morning Satan!

Good night Mr Rick !!! The children of darkness made it home and “ hello bed “🦇🦇♥️♥️ . I hope all well w u , I haven’t read anything from u in awhile . I hope u ll have a great New Years 🤗

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