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Meanwhile in South Australia heat & drought resulted in this sad scene:


FrayedBear 9 Dec 28

Enjoy being online again!

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and still we have this "wisdom" being believed


Australia is on fire and there is nothing we can do.

I was speaking to my brother-in-law over Christmas who is very in tune with the Bush and he said a lot of the trouble is because there is some legislation that outlaws back burning.

That & allowing dead wood to remain in situ.

Hi Bear, I am actually a retired professional Fireman and have collected quite a few news clippings over the years one stat that I have never forgotten is that 85% of all bush fires are caused by hero syndrome volunteer firefighters or back burning. Other news clips are of this nature: "Volunteer Fireman starts fires so that he can help put them out" I have been waiting for over two months to hang my washing out and I am getting a bit sick of waiting for the smoke to disperse! I am sorry to make these statements but they are true.

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