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somebody as intelligent as Jesus would have to be an athiest.

madmac 7 Dec 30

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Dawkins is often purposely quote mined and taken out of context. He will often concede certain points simply to explain another in a conversation. And the quote bombs go off.


Someone s intelligent as Dawkins should realise Jesus is not a historical character!

Sorry, but I think that someone who has a large part of his life in the study of religion, would be well aware of the arguments about the possible fictionality of Jesus, the statement is made as it is because the reality of Jesus is not really relevant.

The statement works both for a historical Jesus and for a character in historical fiction called Jesus. As in. "Someone as intelligent as Einstein would have been a tea drinker." "Someone as intelligent as Sherlock Holmes would have been a tea drinker." Both work equally as well.

@Fernapple I was being ironic! 😉

@Geoffrey51 Sorry my mistake, I don't usually look for irony on here. And there are a few who like to Dawkins bash.


As far as I'm aware, Jesus never denied the existence of a god.


Wait a minute there now Mr. Dawkins.... you too?


His name is Dawkins
RICHARD HAWKINS was a 17th century British admiral

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