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So - intellectual humility is a virtue! Or is it? and how do we achieve it societally?

Allamanda 8 Jan 5

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There is the TELL THE TRUTH PLEDGE too movement


If "intellectual humility" were broadly revered, perhaps it could counteract hubris individually and societally.


Another term for this is "epistemological humility". The notion that nothing can be 100% objectively certain, and that we as humans fool ourselves very easily.

Some subcultures have very dysfunctional notions about shows of strength or weakness, and about concepts like respect. We tend to feel that if we admit mistakes we're showing weakness and losing credibility. That for someone to even suggest that we're wrong is "not showing respect".

The reality of course is that someone who can admit to being fallible and own up to their mistakes is refreshing and actually enhances their credibility. And someone pointing out an error or requiring you to substantiate a claim generally has nothing to do with (dis)respect but rather with approaching matters with healthy skepticism.

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