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Why would any female want to follow a religion that makes them a second class human? What do you think?

KICKN 5 Jan 5

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Culture is number one.
Many females are taught to be submissive by said culture.
Many females believe that if they even speak up they are wrong to do so. Thank you religion for thousands of years of limiting our potentual as humans. Girls rule!

Not my religion


Back when ‘females’ couldn’t vote, thus play a viable part in politics, they turned to the church. There, they established an, if subordinate to a male leader ..established their pecking order of social power and status.

What confuses me how ‘Blacks,’ for example, are worshiping the god and ‘son’ of their long-time oppressors..? If used as a tool to allow them an opportunity to legally gather, if only to plot political strategy, OK… But when I see them ‘in practice’ (especially their women), seems they’re as ..nuts into that garbage as anyone … worshiping a ‘blue eyed jesus’ 😕

Varn Level 8 Jan 5, 2020

I have always found this a mystery, as I have also found it strange that there are so many ardent Christians who happen to be homosexual and choose to ignore that their own god in their own holy book condemns them all to death.

When I have asked both women and gay people why they do this, the answer is almost invariably the same
"Oh I don't believe that bit."


I think religions reflect the social norms of the societies that gave them birth. Modern society is changing faster than some religions, that is all. Maybe the question should be why women and men are different.

Humanity has inherited a divided society where men and women usually have had different roles. Things evolved that way for good reasons. One role is not superior—both roles are crucially important for survival.

Men might tend to be blustery, aggressive, reckless and assertive, but underneath it all, individual men are of less value, biologically speaking, than women.


Don’t not know, best ask one to avoid uninformed speculation

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