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I may disagree with capitalism but do you think 100%. Socialism can really make life and the general public better? What facts do you have for your answer?

Humanlove 7 Mar 27

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I'm more concerned about the end of democracy. By my measure I see little capitalism left. My measure would be people serving a government controlled economy is communism, a government controlled economy serving the people is socialism, a privately market run economy serving the people is capitalism, people serving a privately run market is Fascism. Aspects of all of these hierarchical forms are present in all societies. The fascist best friend is always a very communal military. The fact that we divide ourselves politically along these lines always seams so odd to me. All societies do a balancing act with these forces. By my measure America is clearly fascist. When you sacrifice your health, education, safety, and liberty in the search for greater profit the people are clearly servants of the economy. Allowing a secretary of defense to profit off of war, secretary of justice to profit from incarceration, the FDA and CDC are run by revolving door pharma execs, and this isn't even discussed? Now then on to democracy. What ever amount of democracy you feel remains in America (quite a bit actually) I don't think Americans could vote itself back to a representative government and Americans wouldn't vote for it if they had the option. For nearly a decade the money supply has been expanded by Reserve Banks in the US, Europe, and Japan. There is more than enough money to feed, clothe, and shelter everyone, and provide a robust defense, and space exploration. Money is intended to represent real wealth, the problem is the cash exists but the wealth does not. The resources to modernize everyone's life and provide for seven and a half billion people doesn't exist. So what force is keeping the value of money inflated. Waining American primacy. Fear has the world economy running. My preferred way to understand this collapse is as a natural biological function. Yeast cultivated in a petri dish, an algae bloom fueled by pollution, or an invasive species. When life stumbles upon resources it consumes them, occasionally unchecked... Until the new found resource will no longer support the population. The story is replayed over and over again. As the yeast consumes the glucose it's population grows exponentially as does it's glucose consumption. Because of the exponential nature the limits to growth are always overshot with a dramatic series of rapid population collapses. Humanity has grown exponentially for nearly two hundred years. We call this era the industrial revolution and it coincides with our exploitation of fossil fuels. We are currently in overshoot (Wiley coyote run off the cliff but has yet to look down), and There are no sufficient measures available do divert disaster in my opinion. If I'm correct about the future than I don't see Americans willing to vote for self sacrifice while so few are hoarding so much. By design too. The money (debt) created since the 08 recession has been used to prop up markets and so has gone directly to those who already owned everything. If the money were distributed more evenly it would spur massive economic growth and far too many resources are spread too thin. So my vote for the future is feudal anarchism. But if you can't tell I'm an optimist! ?


I don't think anyone's ever achieved 100% socialism! (Just like a 100% free market is elusive.) But I can say that if societies like the US became more socialistic, they'd be seriously better off.

I think the US will become worse off if it continues to implement socialistic policies while permitting immigration. It is already considerably socialistic.

I live in Canada, which is a lot more "socialistic" than the US but still fairly capitalistic overall.


Capitalism is critical. Socialism is an outlier. Even socialist-leaning countries like Sweden rely heavily on capitalism. Note, Sweden is not a "socialist" country, it is actually one of the most capitalistic countries in Scandinavia, and there is a constant balancing act of how much socialistic policies to implement because too much socialism often leads to more challenges, such as limited housing and higher taxes (taxes are already high enough to be driving out business).

@Beach_slim Yes, especially now when Sweden let in over 200,000 refugees since 2014 and had a lax (practically non-existent) security plan. I feel sorry for Swedes paying high dollar tax and can't depend on a government to protect them or provide quality service.


Some of these seem spot on to me, and made me laugh. Others leave me scratching my head.

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