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The jump from level 7 to level 8 is daunting. 8 to 9 smacks of far too much time on this site

rogerbenham 8 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Just remember they are kidding about the dancing girls/ strippers relax you'll get there

I heard that if you reach ten, they sell your address and picture to a fundamentalist hit squad.

Well I've no desire for the dancing girls or strippers as they were never of much interest since being taken by father to the Folies-Bergère when I was maybe 12 (My voice broke at 15-1/2). But Fernapple's warning would drive me away before 900,000 points. Of course that likely implies living another 100 years. How many people made it to 9? I can't believe any to 10.

@Fernapple combat vet Will be fun target practice


So you’re just a seven? How shameful! Surely you can do better. 🙂

It is very important to attain a high level before you die so that you will be admitted to atheist heaven. With a ten you might even get to sit at the right hand of Richard Dawkins.

Sounds like the last thing I'd want;besides which what does an atheist heaven look like. is this another case of a double negative becoming a positive?

@rogerbenham It’s a case of idle silliness on my part. Just ignore.

@WilliamFleming It's why I gave you a laugh. But I wrote a long answer, checked on something else and found my answer had drifted into eternity. So I'm going to ask another general question.


Who cares...the levels don’t mean anything in reality. Just enjoy posting and replying when you feel inclined to do so...having fun and enjoying interaction with others is the objective here, not accruing points.


I have been at 7 quite some time. It is fine, I post when I am moved to speak.


Don't concern yourself with points or levels.. It's just an indication of activity...


Don’t worry about. Just write interesting and considered response and posts. Points are pointless except for getting a tee shirt and a very nice pen at Level 8

A tee shirt saying Wow wearing that would be rather provocative. The Christians who'd like to convert me would be hurt. I have no desire to hurt them.
Pen: Ballpoint or fountain?

@rogerbenham Ballpoint

@Geoffrey51 Big deal, eh?

@rogerbenham The business! 🤡

@Geoffrey51 Just the thing to offer the vicar after you gently swore when slopping the tea.


the fastest way to get points is to have posts with lots of comments and likes, this way other people are giving points to you.
By commenting and liking you will take a lot of time to get to level 8.

That isn't true. You get more points by comments and replies.. Check my profile 😊

@Cutiebeauty but the speed you can get likes from others compared with th4e speed to answer/like/tag posts if you want to make "likable" posts can generate more points in less time.
Of course if you can post/answer A LOT, you can generate your own points XD

@Pedrohbds of course that's true!


Its a place to waste time, for those who don't want to put up with all the drama and banalities of proper social media.

Interesting reply. I gave up on reading Facebook a year ago particularly because of time wasted and other peoples' comments.

@rogerbenham Facebook is a complete junk pile, I am forced to do a few things on it for business reasons, but next year I retire and good bye Zucker Booker.

@Fernapple Wastelook a friend calls it. Exactly what it is. I thought I'd miss out on stuff if I stopped looking but that has not been the case. I post (mostly Common Dreams) articles to it remotely but try really hard never to read my home page as it can suck you in pointlessly.
However a page was set up as my wife died of lung cancer and I confess that I have found writing there therapeutic and the comments, tributes, photos put up by the over 300 members have been gratifying to read. At first they produced many tears but somehow I feel as if I have got through the worst of the grieving period much quicker because of it.


I hear you. I will be on 7 for a long time. I read a lot of posts on here, but I don't post a bunch myself. It's a slow process. I've made my peace with it.

I suppose the real answer is who cares what level one is at. I find myself asking the question as to why I am here. How did I get here? I can't remember. I don't care what others think about religion or faith any more than what they think about many things. I seem to be using it for politics but those of another country and not much my own. I like some of the music but would I mind if I didn't go there? No. Is this a place for bored people? Or lonely ones? I'm neither. So I come back to my question as to why I am here? Well it might lead to a future friend or partner but is this the place to look? I have no idea.

@rogerbenham I am bored and frequently lonely, so this is a good place for me hang out. I don’t expect it to change my life, but it’s easier to read and even contribute to discussions where it isn’t a huge battle like on some social media sites. This is more civil and agreeable to me.


Yes, I have been on here for a little over two years and I am still at level 7. I have a chance to make it to 8 before my 3 year anniversary. I don't know if I will ever make it to 9 🙂


Yeah, I've been active for a long time and stuck at level 8 for most of it. I'm not even halfway to level 9.

Yes, I meant 8 to 9. Shame on me for not reading what I wrote.

@rogerbenham No worries. I figured it was just a typo. 🙂

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