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The decline of species by 2050--aren't Christians supposed to be God's caretakers?

A panel of scientists commissioned by the U.N. just published a comprehensive three-year study assessing the regional impacts of humans on biodiversity around the world. And the situation is looking pretty grim — not just for animals but also for the people who rely on them, the report says.


WileEQuixote 7 Mar 27

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Astrotheologia/Christianity is a tool/mental construct that is doing exactly what the program was designed to accomplish.To Create an innate consciousness about a metaphysical paradigm that created the physical universe. Any person who has read some of the works of the great philosophers of ancient times, knows very well about the allegory and the allusions directed torwards the lower conscious beings.

Religions have played a major role in the acts of manipulation against humanity. But it was created, it was used, it is still being used,... thus the new moniker... sheeple.......

So yes it is horrible what has been committed against Humanity and this Earth. And yes the subjugation of Human Consciousness has built kingdoms, pyramids, nuclear weapons, and Universal Ignorance. The keys to the kingdom, or 1st estate. The Vatican Coat of Arms. Estates of the Realm. 5th Estate is media, another tool for the subjugation and control of Human Consciousness.

And maybe its all just a result of the human condition, an evolution of our conscious being.

The Singular Maxim has not been reached, and maybe it would take all the fun out.

Etre Level 7 Mar 28, 2018

Christians believe they will be living in Heaven with Jesus by the time climate change has destroyed our planet.


Greed is God, ask any minister!

JK666 Level 7 Mar 27, 2018

Of course, we are a terrible plague on this earth


They call it "stewardship of the Earth" in Christian environmentalist circles. At least they're Green, I can deal with them and Wiccans better than the apocalyptic idiots.

I read but can't find an article on Rapture Highs and how it literally has an almost addictive quality to those most fervent believers


There are just far too many of us and our population keeps growing and doubling to the point where it won't be sustainable.

It is not now.

@JackPedigo A point I have been trying to make with a dear friend who only sees all the vast National Parks we have here in the states, the same parks Trump is doing his best to sell off.

@misstuffy Population growth used to be a big issue until the start of the 21st century. Then some industries (most notably Service Employees Industries Union SEIU) got involved and paid off ZPG and the Sierra club ($100 million) to drop immigration from the overpopulation formula. Now people are mostly unaware of this pressing issue.

@JackPedigo When I speak of over population immigration doesnt come into play because on the world view that is just shifting people from there to here. I speak of global population in the billions and the continous growth is not sustainable.

@misstuffy Population is not just about people but their activity. This country has a carbon footprint 10 times the global average. Every person that comes here increases their impact. That is a fact that is uncomfortable to many. Population demographics is complex. It is a science and people don't like reality so they deny it. Another area emotion beats reason.

@JackPedigo I agree with you on that, we do pollute far more than our share.

@iamjc I am willing to just about bet that we are no longer the worlds richest nation, not when the Arab Emirites and Quater are out there in contention.

@misstuffy I believe even the poorest among us have it much better than the average global citizen.

One thing I learned early on is that are 3 levels of people: 1 (above subsistence) Those that have more than they need and produce waste (1/4 of the worlds population), 2. (at subsistence) those that have just enough to subsist and produce very little waste (1/2) and 3. (below subsistence) those that don't have enough and have to live off of the waste of others (1/4). Things have improved over the last 20 years and the numbers have improved somewhat but we are still at the top of no. 1. We still produce a huge amount of waste and pollute above our level per capita. ZPG was an educational org. and we had activities geared for kindergarten through college and post college levels. I gave many of those classes and still remember some.

@iamjc Go to India or Syria or some other country where people live in garbage heaps or work with toxic wastes (much coming from developed countries). Many of the poorest here are people with mental or addiction issues (that has been proven).

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