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What are your thoughts on actively living a more minimalist lifestyle and/or reducing your own consumerism?
I can envision a more bare living space and it's enticing.
Years ago, I collected quality lace pieces and now want to just get rid of it all along with a stash of fabric.
I'm trying to make things with it and sell, but it's going slow.
I'm tempted to bring it all to goodwill.
I used to think my mom was weird because she didn't have stashes of anything or any clutter. However, she did go overboard on being a neat freak. That's not my intent.
Now I want to be like that.

gloriadeb 6 Mar 28

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I have a minimalist lifestyle, but a lot of clutter, much/most of it not mine. People store stuff here and take so long to come and get it. We even have people who keep their books and board games in our collections. We grow what we can, op shop and markets where we can,to reuse more than saving money even. Where I work we receive almost all the donated goods in our area, so much is just rubbish people drop off rather than dribve 20klms and pay a fee t the refuse tip, but even then 85% of the good stuff that comes in still ends up in landfill. It just keeps coming,and we try so hard, even sending some overseas when we can, sadly we have to pay the shipping costs hich impacts on our ability.


Odd that you should post this now. The audiobook I just finished is entitled The More of Less by Joshua Becker (narrated by the author). Becker is a Christian minister who preaches the virtues of a minimalist lifestyle with the same evangelical fervor I assume is normally reserved for his sermons, but he makes a lot of sense, and I've started looking around for possessions that serve no better purpose than to add to the clutter in my life. A "more bare living space" is indeed enticing.

I have to admit that I cannot use audiobooks. I fall asleep. It's odd because I cannot read at night because if it is a good book, I will stay up to finish it. Not on subject but I wonder if I'm the only one?

@Angelface I've only tried one audio book but ran it when doing housework and such. I just prefer a book in my hands.

@AmyLF I like my two kindles because they hold so many books. I had to edit my earlier post because for some reason I had put 310,000 books when it was just 310. Why I wrote it that way I have no idea. I never tried listening to one upright and doing other things but I do listen to podcasts and Ted Talks sometimes.


Last year I finally got around to this after having moved three years previously with three truckloads that I had been carting around forever! Not that I procrastinate.....

I had 38 boxes of books! Now I have 310 on ebooks so at least the physical bulk is gone! I am physically addicted to reading! I'm also odd in that I gave away my TV in 1997 and have never missed it so many popular references go right over my head.

Anyway I donated, dumped and gave away at least two van loads. Most of my work clothes went to a place that has clothes for those beginning a new job or needing an interview outfit.

I'm not a minimalist, but I only kept what I actually use. The only drawback is when I go shopping and see I already have that or something similar so never buy anything. I used to love to shop. 😟


I just visited my parents in Kentucky that live in a suburban golf course house. THe consumerism of that area blows me away. I already live more simply than that but am going to take it further


I have alredy reduced my impact. I make a point to even recycle pieces of paper as small as samll receipts. I only buy new stuff when the old stuff has worn out completely.


I like the idea of a minimalist liestyle. Sometimes I feel like I am a slave to my posessions. I have to store them, repair them, maintain them, secure them etc and I can't throw them away because they are valuable.

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