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When I drive by a Mormon cathedral, I think about the staggering amount of money it cost to build it. How much good that money could have done yet it was spent to entrap more victims to separate them from their money as well. Think about this. The Sistine chapel. It is an art and historical treasure with a value that barely be estimated in currency. It is just a tiny part of the property of the catholic church. Yet they ask us for donations to help the starving children. I appreciate irony and often laugh at it when someone wakes me up to my own blindness. But this is on an unspeakable scale. They have enough money to solve the world's problems yet they spend it creating new ones.

splittingzero 6 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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As long as people fall for war like propaganda, there will always be new sheep added to the system. World suffrages only exist because churches want monetary power..... God checkout over a millennia ago


Having grown up Mormon, I can tell you that they don't have cathedrals. They do have "temples".


There's a sucker born every minute, so like Proverbs 21:20 says, a fool and his money are soon parted.

The waste is astounding...


You're certainty correct. I hate it when I see religions use disasters as money making opportunities. They are disgustingly phony.

Tomm Level 5 Nov 21, 2017



same thing happens when i pass Lakewood in Houston. it used to be where the HOUSTON ROCKETS played. A FREAKING BASKETBALL ARENA


There are also some sporting arenas made to Grand scale and they don't even do charity.


Yes, there is a "church" or religious entity on every corner but homeless people starving on every street in my city. Sad.


perhaps they will stand the test of time as monuments, relics of a time when our society was much simpler and crude. perhaps they will devour us all before we have the chance to escape the tyranny and hypocracy of it all. perhaps some dude thought to himself "jeeze, i've got all this money lying around, I can't give it to the country! they'll just squander it... OH HOLY EFF SKEETER!! I could build my own city! we'll start with the chapel. you know how all these new aged pioneers love anything fancy! they'll eat it up!"


I tend to agree about the decadence of the Catholic Church, but I don't think they could solve all the world's ills by selling the extravagant chalices, etc.. They could, however, feed a lot of people. Artwork is tricky though, because it holds historical value as well; I'm unsure it could be sold for enough money to museums, where it would belong, as opposed to private collectors who hoard it away from public consumption.


Ex-Mormon here, they call them temples not cathedrals regardless.....Mormonism is slightly more tolerable to me because even the higher ups live modestly, they are extremely charitable very big on community service and disaster relief. A few of my cousins kids on missions have spent a large tenure of their 2 years cleaning up after Harvey, Sandy and Katrina. As a matter of fact one of my brothers and about 20 cousins just arrived in Houston today to spend thanksgiving week volunteering.

Mormonism has glaring flaws and wrong in so many ways of practice but family is sacrosanct and they aren’t constantly on the defense for raping children, I’m not aware of any cases or accusations. Which is not to say they don’t exist. For good or bad many of its values have shaped who I am today, values I am grateful for which have served me well overall. I don’t harbor any ill will or resentment, I just chose a different path to build on my foundation.

Have you seen The Book of Mormon? I haven't, but I've heard great things about it. Most notably, I've heard it simultaneously lampoons Mormonism and pays tribute to its more positive aspects. I read somewhere that even a lot of Mormons really enjoyed the Broadway production. But I've never spoken directly with anyone who saw it.

Great to read that you do not hold anger or bad feelings about your past. Commendable that as far as you know the Mormons do much more good for the community than bad. Are there any perfect mortals or organisations around?

I investigated Mormonism years back as part of my self-education and curiosity about spiritual things. All I saw was another religion claiming to be "THE" right one. The historical claims were easy to debunk, and the unprovable claims were a bit weird for me. But - as you say - the people themselves are great, very giving, loving, and helpful. Too bad about their belief system!

I haven’t seen the play yet. Even Southpark had an episode that was somewhat similar in th way that it wasn’t abjectly making fun of and like you mention points out the good.

I harbor no resentment because what’s the point? No one benefits.

I saw that SP episode. It's one of my favorites, actually. 🙂

I get what you’re saying, I just chose not to be angry about it. It’s a waste of emotional energy I chose to focus elsewhere on what I can do to improve as a person. There are a few ex-Mormon Facebook pages I get in my feed.. it’s full of anger and sadness even if the person left 30 years ago! I just have to say, if you didn’t leave it to be a happier person then why leave? I left to find peace and my truth leading to happiness, not to be perpetually angry.

Fully aware of The Lost Boys, as a matter of fact, my mother is an author with 3 publishers, Harlaquin, one out of Seattle and the other is for the church. Secular reading is as you can imagine is forbidden in polygamist families. One of the child brides (now adult) got her hands on one of my mothers books and reached out around the time she “escaped” for the love of her sons. Said bride has been to my parents house and I got to meet her when I was in town while my mother was convalescing after a knee replacement in Idaho. There are charities to help the women who escape with zero job skills outside of homemaking my parents contribute to monetarily (along with books of all genres).

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