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Now this is interesting. Lev Parnas speaks and what he says and how he says it is ... well ... I suspect a certain group of folks in an old building in Washington are working hard on their responses.

evidentialist 8 Jan 15

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The Maddow video is only 01 seconds long. Her segments seem to be very controlled unless you pay for TV or internet content 😟.

O'Donnell's video plays for the full length. WOW! How will the gop be able to spin this shit?!?!?
Of course everyone trump supporter will say Parnas is lying, making this up and that Parnas has no credibility. fox won't air this stuff and if anything is said hannity, carlson, ingraham will totally spin it.


I'd like to see pelosi roll all of those papers/records in the senate, right up to McConnell in a wheelbarrow. dump it out and while turning to leave saying "first load". and taking her wheelbarrow with her.


He has released tons of very damning evidence that included voice mails, messages, written notes, a trove of evidence for the impeachment trial that can't be ignored.

and it clearly gets pence too and im sure they are all involved


I didnt expect this guy to speak great English, I thought he was a stereotypical Russian thug. But it seems there is some sincerity here in his desire to set the record straight, and with all the evidence he is providing I would think the WH is shitting bricks. Not to mention that because he does speak such good English, more people can hear the interview and understand what he's saying.

that was my thought so no one can claim a language barrier or that he didn't understand cause he is foreign he speaks better than trump

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