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Is anyone antinatalist here? Do you think it is unethical to bring more children into this resource limited world? Wouldn't it be more ethical to adopt?

MsDemeanour 8 Jan 20

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Yep. Yep & Yep.
But, intelligent couplings should be populating more. As, it seems, less intelligent couplings are the ones actually doing it. Furthermore, the children up for adoption, nowadays, are more likely to be from poor and/or sad circimstances (carrying trauma experiences), and/or from third world countries. This requires particularly able & skilled persons to adopt them.
Post CoViD-19, there may be need for specific repopulating, and adopting, as there was post Spanish flu. 😥


It seems to me that this would halt evolution of our species. Thinking about those who would take that position as opposed to those that breed without caring.

you mean natural selection? I think that has already occurred. The smartest career oriented people are much more likely to have one or no children.

@MsDemeanour natural selection is usually from external influences. Evolution is the way that our species advances through learned acquired and passed on qualities. There can be natural selection but choice is part of it too. We can choose a mate based on qualities and then encourage the offspring in their subsequent choice of mate.
Adopting is likely, not always, likely to lead to children that were random combinations and not necessarily a combination that the intelligent person would rationally make. Perhaps, this has some impact on the behavioural qualities of the adopted child... although there are a massive assortment of other causes for behavioural qualities.
We seem to be led increasingly by people that are less intelligent than statesmen of the past and indeed appeal to the lowest denominators for electoral support. Yet if we look through history of 'civilised' leaders their has been a steady growth in intellectual capacity. Physical and intellectual abilities also appear to be sorted into separate piles which if the intellectual qualities lead us to question continued evolution then it is not a great survival indicator.
What about the moral consequences?

No thoughts?


Ultimately this is a woman question ONLY..... THOUGH rapists have visitation rights in many USA "states" (theocracies) it is TRUE prospective parents should sterilize themselves to protect any future progeny...... accordingly tubal ligation and vasectomy should be as free of charge as a life saving emergency room visit.....instead almost everything is MONETARIZED..... we humans are the only species to kill for money rape for money steal land for money and brainwash children into the violent anti-culture of religion FOR MONEY.....cheat most workers out of the money their labor solely produces..... no woman is obligated to breed with anyone for any reason any government any religion and no boy is entitled to ejaculate into any woman body cavities whether he is sterile or wearing a condom... as for the future for my two Atheist daughters 44&25 only they will decide whether I am to have further decendants... the future is a great opportunity to reverse monetarism theocracy and theism.....we can build a sustainable permaculture of organic living ...Cuba has and INDIGENOUS people did and could again.....China one child policy slowed their overpopulation explosion.... futurists are preparing to colonize oceans moons asteroids and is not so bleak but is genocidal....ask a Cherokee or Palestinian or Maori or Hawaiian about religious conquest of their homeland this question of assimilation or antinatalism or evolving into safer habitats


Yes and Yes.

serves me right not choose an open ended question. 😉

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