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According to Gallup, the 82-point partisan gap between Republican approval of the job Trump is doing (89%) and Democratic approval (7%) is the largest in the 74-year history of the poll. That gap breaks the previous record of 79 points that Trump set in his second year in office, in 2018.

Charliesey 7 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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It just points out that we need the best candidate against Trump and perhaps more importantly the most Democratic voter turnout in a general election in history. The intersection of those two things is a Democratic candidate who is honest yet tough, consistent, and has policies people (rather than merely pundits and party grandees) can get behind with enthusiasm -- but with an appeal to unity rather than divisiveness. That means policies that assertively address health care, climate change, and income inequality. In my view, it isn't hard to look at the field of candidates through that lens and see which one is building the best and most enthusiastic base in that regard.

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