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SPICY!!?....yes or no? Where do you stand?
I LOVE very spicy food!

*That pic is a few peppers from my own garden,
Carolina Reapers are my favorite!

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DrewShourd 7 Mar 28

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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I like my food very spicy, but nto to the point where you can't taste anythign else.

That seems to be the main answer, but 'spicy' is a relative issue, I want to taste my food also and do, but can stand much hotter food than most.

@Agr8m8 Me too. I find most "spicy" food in restaurants to nly be mildly so.


Love the heat. My problem is that I moved to MO and they don't sell Pico Pica, my go-to hot sauce. It costs $26 on Amazon, about $12 a case in CA.I grow my own chili's when I can, habaneros, Serrano, Fresnos, jalapenos. I make my own salsa.

very cool


Yes, very Spicey and season...


After a long time eating slicy foods, I find that I just don't crave burning my tongue off like I used to. But I still like food spicier, and just generally more seasoned/flavorful/etc, than most.


Nothing spicy for me.

Not even a spicy wild green like arugula?


I like good and spicy--but like white-girl spicy. I know better than to ask for "extra hot" at the Thai or Mexican place. "Medium-hot" is generally just below my threshold or just right; "hot" can frequently be too much.


spice more than heat but I do like heat


Voted 'more than average', but actually liked it spicier when I was younger. Once shared an Indian meal with one other Australian and six or seven people from the US and Canada. We two Aussies were the only ones to makes inroads in the 'hottest' curry. (Gasp!) I wouldn't do it now, though.

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