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This post was originally written for a group. It does not seem to be indexing properly in the group so I am reposting here. It is applicable to all groups and mainstream postings.

I have just been asked to explain how and why the hashtags are favoured. Currently we are small in numbers so it is not too much effort to skim back through postings to find any you wish to refresh your memory on. The process however is much simpler if everyone uses hashtags which are indexed and searchable.

So here is my suggestion as to the "how to do it". I use as my example @Robotbuilder 's recent pretzel recipe:

#MyTip #HashTags
•You only have about twelve hours, sometimes 24 to edit group posts then they are sealed.
•ATM hashtagging is a 2 step process -
•I use the Android app and
•also open in a browser which I have set up to link to my hashtag creation post. ... So if you are on a computer just open two tabs in your browser.
•In posts, start a new post in the Category "Site & Customer Service", that states "This is my personal hashtag creation post. Anyone else who wishes to use it feel free to do so because I will be credited not only with your tag creation now but also every time that it is used in the future!"
•You then submit the post and the tag box will appear.
•Into the box you put every label / tag that you wish to use pressing add after each one - in the pretzel recipe (Robotbuilder) you could use Pretzel - Add. PlainFlour - Add, LiveYeast -Add, Salt -Add, Dough -Add, Butter -Add.
•Then returning to your "Food Glorious Food" recipe post at the very beginning of your typing, type #Pretzel, #PlainFlour, #LiveYeast, #Salt, #Dough, #Butter.
•When you submit your recipe the hashtags will appear in green indicating that the Hashtag is "live".
•I've never had success but I think that there is a means to make your hashtag creation post private. If any one knows it please comment below.@Admin
• We currently have ??? members so I hope that this post will receive ???-1 likes this letting me know that you have read and understood it. lol naturally I will try to explain anything that can't be understood if you leave a question in the comments. Thanks.
@Admin I tried #Hashtag to follow through from the App to the original group post of this and it did not work.

FrayedBear 9 Mar 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Sorry, too complicated for me.I am too old to spend my last few hours of life hunting hashtags. Can I hunt little sheep imojes?


I'll try later tonight, ty both


I don't process very well I need to see someone doing this to understand it

You will have to hop on a plane and come 20000 klms to watch. ? If I have time I will see I can video it.


I read it but feel confused, .... Sigh...

Try pressing on a few hashtags to learn what they can achieve. Go to Browse, select Posts, then press the # button, select a topic in the hastags lists that drops down and then explore through the posts on your chosen topic. Repeat with a few different hashtags until you get used to it.
Then Simply go step by step through my post, repeating until you have comprehended and memorised the sequence. Then apply.

Perhaps think of it in terms of how you categorise and store your winter clothing once winter has finished and you bring out/ use your summer gear?

You can do it! I have faith in you, njoy_life_2.

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