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Yesterday was another learning experience for me. There were a few hours where every member of my immediate family was standing in my dining room debating, arguing, talking over each other. Meanwhile, the baby had discovered my carpet sweeper and was racing from one end of the house to the other. The dogs were excited!

That's when I learned that I have turned into a happy hermit, somebody who can be left alone for long weeks by herself without fear of disappointment or dismay.
I am so proud to have raised daughters and grandchildren who can easily express themselves but please, one at the time.
Of course, I am only grousing because I had not prepared myself sufficiently for the onslaught. Everything got settled in the end, cars got parked in the correct driveway ( one of the major issues) and plans solidified for shopping.
I figured out later that I should have put on my headphone which I use when I do not want to disturb the sleepers upstairs. They ( the headphone) work both ways, after all.
So, why am I telling you all this? Just in case you feel lonely and miss your family.
And to demonstrate what happens when you raise a family completely devoid of religion.

Spinliesel 9 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Sounds great ...just like a family should!

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