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I am new to the world of atheism and to this forum. I surely enjoy sharing ideas with like-minded individuals. I spent portions of my life in religious communities, still I was always sad and disappointed. Finally, I came to the conclusion that I am an atheist. I'm happy that I'm being true to myself.
In the religious world, I came up with a question no Christian could answer honestly or intelligently. Before I ask that question let's that a God exists, and that God created us, gave a FREE WILL and a divine plan to follow.
Based on the above assumptions, my question is this: How is fair, in any sense of the word, that a God creates us into existence, an existence, incidentally, that we never asked for,gives us a FREE WILL, and then punishes us forever, if we don't our FREE WILL to obey follow His divine plane? To me, that would not be a loving and fair God, that would be a God of unspeakable cruelty.

Tomm 5 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Tomm, I reached a similar conclusion (or maybe I read it somewhere). If god is all-knowing, all-seeing, and all-powerful AND god created me and gave me logic and reasoning and then I used that logic and reasoning to determine that god does not exist, then god would be aware of this. God would know exactly what would be required in order for me to believe in god. So, god has either chosen not to give me proof of his existence and therefore is willfully condemning me to hell or else god doesn't exist.


Thank you for responding to my post and I truly sympathize with your point of view. If I could do as you suggest, my life would indeed be some much simpler, but I can't. I have an uncontrollable need to try and understand 'this thing called life'. Believing in a personal God could make life simpler but there is no God of any definition that created us, knows, or cares for us, that is undeniable. So we're left to ourselves. I know your outlook is correct, I wish I could be content and think like you.
One thing I as sure of we self-consciously exist. To me, there must be meaning and purpose to our existence; otherwise, our existence is meaningless and purposeless. If our existence has no purpose, why would there be such a thing as meaningless existence. My head hurts, you're right, it's not worth it.

Tomm Level 5 Nov 21, 2017

Tomm, Hi, somewhere along the way, I figured out there's nothing out there. To try to reason, or find truth, to the notion that there is, is irrational. Enough attemps of reasoning to try to make rational that which is not, will lead to extreme frustration. Quit beating your head against an un-knowable wall, and just relax in the freedom of knowing theres nothing out there that can hurt, or reward you. Its just you, and what you earn by living your life. Have a very good life with lots of good luck.

Thank you for responding to my post. Everything you mentioned, I am in agreement. However, I enjoy intellectual camaraderie and discussion. But, in the final analysis, your right, there is nothing that can be meaningfully understood.


Welcome! Your reasoning is sound; which is why you could no longer accept the pablum that was being fed to you. There are so many contradictions with this god, they cancel each other out-- thus showing that it cannot exist.

Thank you for responding to my post. I agree with you that there are so many contradictions to the existence of God. I always thought that if there was a God, He or She would make His or Her existence self-evident to us. Don't give me a free will and punish me for using it. No so-called benevolent God could do such a thing; therefore, it's not reasonable to believe in God. Atheist blessings.


I am not sure there is an answer to this confusing point. it has never made sense to me.

Thank you for responding to my post. Of course there is no answer. There is no answer to anything, there's only conjecture, opinion, and personal preferences. However, to me, it's important to believe in something that encourages us towards expressing a life grounded in goodness. Atheist blessings.

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