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Pence & TrumpOLINI have inseminated Iowa yesterday with lies, forced pregnancy law support to our cunt governor alleged female Reynolds betraying our civil and secular rights and the fake news across the state fawning all over the CANDIDATES for the White House via duopoly lies and false Wednesday the dust will have settled and the campaign offices for most will close and a few will open for Libertarians and Greens....there are also ultra religious parties who won't support TrumpOLINI and even a blue collar unionist for the unborn....the Prohibition Party still exists in a few states but the last of their number died here in Iowa over 100 years old.....Iowa is like a political ZOO with no cages no screens and the party animals migrate in and out seemingly @ whim

Larry68Feminist 7 Jan 31

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There are few females who deserve the C word ....Ann Coulter & Kim Reynolds are 2 of such traitors to women, science and secular competence

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