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Recreatively. Terra is born free.

We Are The Guardians, My Friends!

Alter-creation* from “We are the champions”, by Squid-queen.s, or Squeens

We are the Guardians (of Terra.Protectivity), by Tipi

A. We have got just One Time, for the Terrian Life,
One, finite, irreversible Time, to protect what we still can.
Humans-Gods, there is One Earth, That we finitely share,
Our Siblings (/Forests) are needing Protection and we all have to care.
We’ve got to be caring, thinking, waking, healing….

‘Cause we are the guardians, my friends,
And we’ll keep on caring till the end,
We are the Terrians (/Spirits), we are the Guardians,
No one should poison the Ship-Family-Garden, it’s our (/common) World.

B. Science and Good Sense tell us about the Past,
Millions of years, lived more peacefully and wise, without a bomb.
There have been dawns there, bees, thorns and roses too,
Peace with a Reason, deceits, fool wars, Memories not to lose.
We’ve got to be caring, thinking, waking, healing…

Refrain etc.

Comments Pro Terra.Health: We need Ratio-Pantheism for Terra.Protectivity, before productivity. All Terrians, all benefic, protective Beings-Gods. Terra.protective Reason, not abusive illusion. Terra.Nature's Health is the most important wealth. Less toxicity, more Protectivity. Stop to industrialist, mafiotic, militarist corruption and overdoses! Terra.Peace and Respect, not war and neglect.
People should be warned about the hurried/retarded, more or less scientist collapsologies, that are trying to cheat them, similarily to false mystical apocalypses. Terrian Time is indeed unique, finite and irreversible. But falsifications, frauds, predations are not acts of culture, those have to be stopped. Protectivity before productivity.
Cf. [] - « «Nature bears long with those who wrong her. She is patient under abuse. But when abuse has gone too far, when the time of reckoning finally comes, she is equally slow to be appeased and to turn away her wrath.» (1882) -- Nathaniel Egleston, who was writing then about deforestation, but speaks equally well about the danger of climate change today. »
[] - From A.F. Chekhov, Letter to A.I. Oparin, 18 October 1888. "A tree is beautiful, but what’s more, it has a right to life; like water, the sun and the stars, it is essential. Life on earth is inconceivable without trees. Forests create climate, climate influences peoples’ character, and so on and so forth. There can be neither civilization nor happiness if forests crash down under the axe, if the climate is harsh and severe, if people are also harsh and severe. ... What a terrible future!"
Documents to see selectively:,,,

, [] etc. Protection for all Terrians, children and adults, including the Smicala case! Stop to toxico-speculative sciarts, nutritions and medications! Let us make Peace in Terra.World.

*neologue.s alter-creati.on (.onism, .ive, .ively, ivity), meaning a form of co.creation, a new creation departing from an older one. Sympathy included.

tipi 7 Feb 2

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Is there a more accessible way of expressing what your saying?

The gist seems to be don’t fuck with the Earth it’s the only one we’ve got. But I suggest you have lost a lot of readers by the denseness of the text.

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