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What are your favourite Wes Anderson films? I'm hanging out for Isle of Dogs. Ahead of that, I think my top two Wes Anderson films are The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou and The Grand Hotel Budapest. Thoughts?

Palindromeman 7 Mar 29

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Moonrise Kingdom, Rushmore, and The Royal Tenenbaums. Very curious about Isle of dogs.


The Royal Tenenbaums


My observation is that if there is one Wes Anderson film which, to some degree, "divides" people, it's The Darjeeling Limited. I liked it, but it just lacked something which I can't put my finger on.


Fantastic Mr. Fox, then Grand Budapest Hotel. BTW, have you seen this SNL spoof? []

No, I must check it out.

Now this is good:


I've only seen a few. I loved The Grand Budapest Hotel, and despised The Royal Tennenbaums. Have not yet seen the Life Aquatic but it is very high on the list!!!


Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums.

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