So maybe preaching to the choir a little here, but maybe we should all read it anyway? Your life is killing you. And not only in the USA. []
Thanks for the insightful link. So much truth in that.
The entire system is like a leech on humankind.
Thanks for that. I did see a lot of it at my old job. The 'professionals' had to compete with each other and if they were on the bottom of the charge time pole they were out. When I first joined there seemed to be a lot of Mormons on the payroll. I got to know a manager and asked him why so many Mormons? Was it because of the business school at Brigham Young. He laughed and said no it was because the religion taught them to marry early, have a big family and work hard to support them. In other words to fall into a trap. I talked to him about voluntary simplicity and the book "Your Money or Your Life. Next thing I knew he quit and joined a smaller firm close to his home. Regular hours, no competition and even though the pay was smaller he didn't have all the extra expenses and was actually ahead. Later, I convinced another manager (a woman who had just had a divorce and was a single mom) to do the same. These people seemed to put work first, sports second, family third and religion fourtth. Funny thing, at the end of my time at the firm it seemed a lot of Chinese were being hired.
The lifestyle mentioned in the link was never me and it is even less so now.
Glad I'm retired.
@Allamanda True.
I grew up and built a career as a technician then manager in East Africa. For the past 33 years have lived in Spain, where I built up my own publishing business.
In both lands people work hard, but they also know that one needs rest and recreation.
Is this really how US citizens live?
@Allamanda, @MissKathleen That is a terrible indictment of rampant capitalism.
There is also a second consideration.
Where there is extreme wealth, which creates people who don't care, alongside extreme poverty, which creates people who have nothing to lose and therefore don't care, it creates a perfect spawning ground for civil unrest.
Only a large, contented middle class can dampen the prospect of more and more violence.
Perhaps Karl Marx was onto something. It's just that his ideal of extreme socialism (communism) is also defective.
Rest is extremely important. NOT just money at all costs. We're a slave species to a HUGE extent. NOT ONLY to a system but also for our own absurd (in most cases) requirements. JUST HARD WORK FOR WHAT? AND TO YOUR OUR OWN DETRIMENT!