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I don't normally post food pics, but the girl child and I made "melted snowman cupcakes" today.
She put most of the "coal" on for the eyes and mouths.

Then we had a mini-art lesson about Picasso and Dali.

There was lots of giggling and sugar intake.
She particularly liked the homemade candied orange peel that we used for the noses. She said they tasted even better than the store-bought gummies.

It was a good way to spend part of a very stormy Thursday.
Especially since school was canceled because of the weather.

KKGator 9 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Looks great, KK. When can we expect ours to be sent out in the mail? (Momma said I should try to think with more than my stomach, but what fun would that be?) Glad you were able to turn a crazy weather day into something fun.


Wonderfully creative! And they look yummy!

Thank you! We were inspired by watching "Frozen" for the gazillionth time. Olaf said "Some people are worth melting for."
There are also many pics online for ideas.
They were pretty delicious.


“ the girl child “😂😂😂 only U ! I love it and u made me smile ♥️♥️♥️


What a great way to spend time with the "little" family!


How wonderfully sweet! I know you had fun together! 😘

We did! There was much giggling and merriment!


Very cute! Nothing better than time spent with the little ones.

Indeed!! We had a good time!


You and girl-child made some tasty looking cupcakes there. Also that stormy weather is due to hit here over the next three hours. I can already hear it just starting to kick up outside.

Does this mean I'm supposed to make cupcakes?

Only if you really want to.
We started planning this last week, during the 748th viewing of "Frozen".
The timing worked out in our favor. The worst has passed, and as far as I can tell, we have emerged relatively unscathed.
Hope you're able to say the same after you're done with it.

@KKGator Okay I really don't want to because me and cooking or baking is an idea doomed to fail. If it's more complicated than toasting a Pop-Tart. I'm noit qualified.

We got forecasts of tornadoes and winds up to 60mph -- it's gonna be a wild night.

@Sgt_Spanky We had wind all day, and late this afternoon, it really got gusty.
There were watches and warnings coming through on my phone up until about two hours ago.
I hope you have an easy time of it.

And LOL @ the PopTart reference!!

@KKGator If I post here tomorrow then I survived. If not. pray for my soul. Just in case.

@Sgt_Spanky Now you know I'm not gonna do that. LOLOLOL
Stay safe, my friend!!


What fun for a rainy stormy day. 🙂 🙂 🙂

It really was!!!
She's my cupcake buddy!


How delicious. Here's to the good moments.


so cute and the fun you guys had was priceless


That's also my idea of a super fun day, when normal routine has to be cancelled.

We've been planning it for a bit. Today worked out to be the perfect day for it.
Spent the morning playing Uno and Yahtzee with both small humans.
Then, after lunch and chores, we worked on cupcakes.
I love these kids. They make me nuts sometimes, but they are truly the joys of my life.

@KKGator I know exactly how you feel. It's one of the rewards of being a grandparent.

@KKGator Girl, they make having kids TOTALLY worth it LOL. Wish we could have them first!

@ReadyforaChange The great thing about grandchildren is being able to make them super active, enjoy the fun, .... and then give them back to your children afterwards!

Yes indeed!


Damn, I'm getting a sugar rush just from the pic.

1of5 Level 8 Feb 6, 2020

Yeah, I haven't even tried one yet. Just handling the marshmallows and orange peel nearly sent me into a diabetic coma.

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