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PSA be aware of this

bobwjr 10 Feb 11

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Both liberal and conservative values are needed, and they are not mutually exclusive. From a higher perspective we are all one. Unity is better than divisiveness because unity is real while divisiveness has to be invented and reinforced through lies and exaggerations, demonization and stereotyping.

The RNC has been doing documented voter suppression of minorities this is Jim crow South stuff . The RNC in the 50's was very different had morals and values not this Nazi crap and would never get help from Russia. They need to go back to their roots as in Eisenhower administration, honor was not for sale then and treason was unheard of

@OwlInASack @bobwjr IMO you have a rather exaggerated perspective, a perspective caused by reading divisive, fear-mongering news articles. Things are nothing like what you say.

I live in rural Alabama, and am surrounded by conservative people. They are almost exclusively warm-hearted, fair and reasonable people. There is absolutely no voter suppression here despite news reports to the contrary. There is very little blatant racism or misogyny. I have never in my life heard a call for destruction of the judiciary or for Christian supremacy.

@WilliamFleming perhaps but then too many independent sources and it's never blatant as it used to be, roadblocks are subtle behind the scenes, know a friend who checks it out for courts in others states brilliant lawyer he verified it

@OwlInASack @bobwjr How can two people see the world in such radically different ways?

Please note that it is always some other place that is thought to be afflicted with evil. A person will latch onto almost any news to bolster that viewpoint. The island of Jersey meanwhile is seen as idyllic, the state of Delaware as a paragon of enlightenment and virtue.

@WilliamFleming Delaware does try to take care of it's people,a kind state for the most part,voter suppression is illegal all citizens can vote regardless of race,religion or ethnicity

@bobwjr And there is no voter suppression here either.. Anyone can register and vote.

@OwlInASack You no doubt heard all about the court case where Alabama was sued for suppressing votes by requiring a photo ID at the polls. The situation was greatly embellished with lies and publicized all over the world, so I can not really blame you for being misinformed. What you did not hear about was the outcome of the case—there wasn’t so much as a peep in the national news and I had to turn to local sources to learn the outcome.

The case was thrown out of federal court for lack of substance. The plaintiffs could not show that a single person was kept from voting by the new law. Proven by the state was that the law was needed to prevent voting fraud, which had happened in the past. Besides that, many, many countries around the world require photo ID’s to vote.


The federal judge was from Massachusetts, but any rational person would have ruled the same. The leftist PC media machine had their field day in staining the reputation of my state—their mission is complete—truth be damned!

You are exhibiting symptoms of PC disease. Please prove your claims.


@OwlInASack Apparently we will remain in disagreement. I’ve been disgusted with the national media for nearly my whole life and have been driven partially insane by the exaggerations, innuendos and outright lies.

Maybe it’s something like PTSD.

There are statistics to back up that Fox article.The truth is that the disparity in Black and White voting rates in Alabama is less than half that of the nation at large. Fox is the only major outlet with enough courage to buck the PC crowd and tell the truth. Yea Fox!!!!

@OwlInASack I disagree with some of your opinions but I respect your right to be yourself. I will always remember our pleasurable interchange about Jersey, which seems like a very good place.

@Bobby9 @OwlinASack The kind of argument I enjoy is where two people come together in mutual respect and with open minds and try to learn truth by comparing their experiences.

I can not deny that in the past there were instances of voter suppression in Alabama. Such practices as poll taxes and literacy tests have long since been abolished.

@OwlInASack My parents were very far from being social reformers—in fact they were for school segregation. That doesn’t mean that they were evil demons, just that they were products of their time. Also for school segregation was Black novelist Zora Neal Thurston, along with millions of other Blacks.

My parents were not flaming social reformers but they had very prominent liberal characteristics as demonstrated by their actions. For example, they sent me out to pick cotton with Blacks because they thought it would be good for my character. Actions speak louder than words.

Generally I try to defend my home state from demonization, mockery and ridicule. I don’t see anything liberal about those ignorant and hateful actions.

@OwlInASack While in Switzerland have you ever seen the beautiful and alluring Melanie Oesch? I am especially attracted to her when she is wearing a short dress, dancing around and singing with her family. Unfortunately she is married to some lucky bastard. Not that it affects me—I’m 77 years old.

“Is it not strange that desire should so many years outlive performance?” William Shakespeare

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