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Most of us know this but there are many who don't see the obvious, so we need Robert to remind us. That applies to the entire Republican Party who are in the position of Trump's "Gestapo". When Trump walks into the room they all click their heels and proffer their right arm. They and many in the Justice Department have been weened on "Southern Justice". If you want to know what I mean, read John Grisham"s latest novel "The Reckoning" The Senate Republicans drew on the traditional Southern system of Justice to hear the Impeachment case against Trump.
fishline79 7 Feb 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes a wanna be Hitler with followers who drank his Kool-Aid

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

trumposaurus definitely acts like a dictator by perverting the means to his personal ends.

Yup. Like the man said.

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