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Progressives' Favorite Media Icon CNN's Assessment of Bernie Campaign in 2020

Make No Mistake - Bernie is Extremely Vulnerable to Trump
Bernie Sanders is a Marxist of the old school of dialectical materialism. Running Bernie Sanders Against Trump Would Be an Act of Insanity. Why? the totality of the evidence suggests Sanders is an extremely, perhaps uniquely, risky nominee. His vulnerabilities are enormous and untested. No party nomination, with the possible exception of Barry Goldwater in 1964, has put forth a presidential nominee with the level of downside risk exposure as a Sanders-led ticket would bring. To nominate Sanders would be insane.

Bernie's Extreme Positions will Kill Him in the General
Sanders' ridiculous and extreme positions that will be his Achilles heel are.... replacing all private health insurance with a government plan, banning fracking, letting prisoners vote, decriminalizing the border, giving free health care to undocumented immigrants, and eliminating ICE. Bernie will pay for his extremism in the general election for sure. []

St-Sinner 9 Feb 20

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