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Between Rush Limbaugh, Paula White and all these other Fake Dump Loving “Christians” I’m going to gouge my eyes and ears out with a melon baller!!!!

Willa329 3 Feb 21

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That's specific... but I can relate.


They have always been there and always will be. The difference now to over 200 years ago is the accessibility and extent of broadcast.

Social media has always been around. Gossip causes all sorts of damage, then the printing press expanded the opportunity for views to be spread, radio then TV and currently electronic media.

Just be discerning in what you buy into, or create a counter argument. Public debate has been around since at least the Greeks.

Maybe ignore it or use it.


My advice: stop listening to them!
One day, while I was on a roof listening to Limbaugh because it was the only station I could get in that rural area, he told anybody who was being driven crazy by his 'humor' to turn him off.
I thought about it, and then did exactly that and haven't listened to him since.
That goes for Hannity and all the rest of them.
Today I'm much happier.
It aggrieves me to think so many people actually believe these propagandists.

When Obama had the chance, he should have reinstituted the Fairness Doctrine, a Reagan-era casualty, and brought some balance back into the talk radio world.
But he didn't, obviously, so we continue to be tortured by these unchallenged lies.
It's only a matter of time before the "vast right-wing conspiracy" uses the demise of net neutrality to do the same thing to the internet.
It'll happen so gradually most people won't even realize it's happening.

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