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Non political post for the evening:

I love spaghetti and meat sauce, particularly when I make it myself.

JayOleck38 7 Feb 27

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Homemade gravy is best..

I specialize in spaghetti sauce, though. Especially because I had some ground beef, fresh basil and spicy sausage from the Co-op (local is always best.)

@JayOleck38 Italians here in Boston call it what I learned to call've no idea why they call it gravy..

@Charlene Weird. I think gravy, I think turkey and mashed potatoes. Or biscuits and gravy.

@JayOleck38 I know,right?!

@Charlene Humans are a strange species.

What do they call gravy, then? Or don't they acknowledge its existence?

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