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As I respect the level 'Agnostic' sits on, I wonder, whom could challenge or logically deny that "Ignostic" has one up on what, I thought, was the perfect level.

AnTwanSr 5 Mar 5

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I'd go along with that word, except I've made up my OWN definition of god as being some sort of 'universal consciousness,' or, more precisely, 'something in the Neo-Deist vein.'
I consider MY definition superior to all others so, in my own opinion, I myself am possessed of superior judgment and intellect.
In any event, I'm absolutely POSITIVE the aliens will clear this all up for us, when they decide the time is right.

Indeed! Although, there is a very questionable reality that isn't addressed in your opinion. To reveal it I ask this question.
Do you believe you would have made your own definition of the illogically defined 'god' if you were not taught the title and other definitions?

@AnTwanSr Ummm....I'm using the word 'god' as a reference point, but since the word itself comes with so much baggage it's hopelessly tainted. 'God' automatically conjures up images of an identifiable personal deity, and that😕 not what I mean by the word at all. In fact, I've very little idea what I DO mean, except there may be a 'collectove unconscious,' or something. There definitely seems to be a mathematical order to things, there are many mysterious things about life which defy explanation.
But what IS it? Who knows?
So even discussing the existence of said 'god' is absurd...we have no idea what we're talking about, literally.
All I CAN say is, whatever IT is (or is not), it may or may not exist!
But I lean toward the position IT does.
How absurd is that?
(I was obviously joking about my 'superior intellect,' btw.).

@Storm1752 🙂 Ahh, yes the classic position of trying to make sense of it all using the labels given. I've been there. 🙂
Don't worry yourself. If we were mean to know more we would and it wouldn't be coming from the psychotic people whom seem not be able to balance something as simple as treating other people with the same respect they ask and would fight for.

@AnTwanSr What I wonder is, if there WAS a site called ',' what would there be to talk about?
AND, how long would it be before atheists moved in and began insisting ignostics are really atheists, etc., etc., begin engaging in heated debates with them about the whole 'issue,' and begin dominating every discussion and eventually crowd them out entirely?!?
Ah but THAT couldn't happen, could it?🤔

@Storm1752 🙂 That is interesting. I think I get your sarcasm here, however, that wasn't my intention. I'm just trying to use words that define my best perspective. You will never know how agonizing it is to live among so many people that pretend not to grasp the meaning of words that already have definitions. Examples "Psychopath, Black, White, Human, Native, human-kind, Citizen , etc.


If I were forced to give myself a label I’d say that I was an ignostic. That is because no one can detect or understand reality in an ultimate sense. It is meaningless and futile to make up labels and form beliefs about things that are far above our level of understanding. Whatever we might say in describing ultimate reality is meaningless and to argue over our beliefs is childish.

If all your views follow that same line of logic, you my friend, would make a great member within my utopia of an leadership alliance.


I doubt that anyone would really care other than a lexicographer.

While ignostics consider the word god meaningless agnostics generally don’t actually care.

Not sure what you mean by “one up” and “perfect level”

I'm not sure which definitions you're using but that's not what I have.
Ignostics challenge the undefined label of God. The label itself still gives a general comprehension.
While agnostics entertain some variations of the label without having a definite or unified comprehension.

@AnTwanSr That’s the problem with labels isn’t it. They quietly undermine the individual while attempting to define a stereotypical norm.

@Geoffrey51 Partially the case with some labels. Since it doesn't apply to labels that we care to give less thoughts about, we have to speak specifically about that label/individual.

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