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Hope springs eternal. Considering the direction of our culture, is there any realistic hope of humans surviving?

Atheist3 7 Mar 7

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Humans yes, our current civilization, unlikely. It seems to be going down the same paths numerous other failed civilizations have gone. Some 5,000 or more civilizations have failed in history, maybe it's just not a very good idea. Or humans just suck at it.

I think it's arrogance.


If you mutate accordingly!!!

Well shiver my timbers.


Humans are doing amazingly well … for the moment.. The problem is, not much else may survive - then we’ll be eating eachother ..Soilent us ~

Varn Level 8 Mar 7, 2020

Good point! However when the food chain collapses then it will be every animal for themself.


For the good of the rest of the planet, I certainly hope not.

Wishful thinking.


There’s always hope. But it’s not culture that’s killing us; it’s our biology. Culture embodies our only hope. Culture, no matter how bad it might be, is always more malleable than biology. We need a proactive attitude toward re-engineering culture.

skado Level 9 Mar 7, 2020

Well that's an interesting angle I hadn't considered. I tend to think of biology in terms of genetics, but it's a lot more complex than that isn't it? I do agree that a biology-based intervention would likely be much more effective, if it could be developed.

@Leontion Interesting perspective, unfortunately human nature is such that we will expand, exploit & extinct. Regardless!

@Leontion, @skado Intervention! Surely you jest!

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