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Just need to get this off my chest.

3/7/20202 - Sat. I spent most of my day at a in person interview and trial run for a job I applied for.

3/8/20202 - Sun. I took the day off and have spent it resting.

Also today, my younger sister and her family had a “baby dedication” ceremony for her newborn at the church. My mother and sister knows that I am an atheist, but my father does not.

Father - Did you sleep all day? Why was you not at the ceremony?

Me - No, I didn’t sleep all day, but I did rest most of the day.

Father - You should have been at the ceremony today.

Me - Well, the ceremony consists of promising to take care of the baby, and to raise the baby the best way the parents know how. Isn’t that what was said?

Father - Yes.

Me - Well, I know my sister is going to do the best she can. I know my sister. I don’t need to see my sister and husband on stage promising to other people.

Father - That’s not the point. You need to be there for family; be there for support.

Me - (sarcastically) I believe I was there at the hospital for the birth.?.

Father - Yes. Yea you was.

Me - Ok, I didn’t have to be there. But I was. I was there in support of my sister and the family at the hospital. Do I have to be at every single event my sister and her family have?

Father - No.

Me - Ok.

Father - (Soft grunt and growl under the breath)

WeaZ 7 Mar 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish you the very best of wishes and hope the interview and trial run, leads to the offer of employment in that job. My advice to you regarding your atheism is this...instead of beating around the bush with your father it seems to me that you need to tell him that you don’t believe in god, and are an atheist. You had a good opportunity to do so when challenged by him but chose not to, but in my opinion it will be better to be open and direct with your father, given that your mother and other family members already know. It is your responsibility to tell him, and it can’t be easy for your mother to keep your secret from your father, so are you being fair to her? It’s your decision of course, and you may not think my advice is helpful, but in the long run is this a secret that you want to keep forever? The feasibility of doing that is not great, and if he finds out from someone else it will damage your relationship with him more than if you tell him yourself. It is also being true to yourself and your beliefs, and asking him to accept and respect your right to hold them, and I suspect that is why you hesitated to tell him. It’s not something you can dodge forever I’m afraid, and better faced sooner rather than later.

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