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Although I don’t have any, I know that raising a child takes patience. While your children are home from school, take some time to think about what your children are living with. If it is the first page, turn it while you still can. ♥️

1EarthLovingGal 7 Mar 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Although, phoned in bomb threats to disrupt the lessons is frowned upon........


My daughter and son-in-law in Washington State are suddenly having to homeschool their children for 6 weeks or maybe more, and my daughter especially fears she is not cut out for it, so is really stressing about it. I just returned from a visit with them and can verify they are doing all the positives of the above, and when I'm with the grandkids, I sure try to re-inforce the same. Easy to do, since they are the sweetest kids on earth. 🙂

I'm home now, but my son-in-law actually texted me this morning inviting me back. (!) If my resources get low here, with it being unlikely I'll be working for the next month, I might go homeschool my grandsons for a few weeks, and would love every minute of it!


Everything and more from page two.. I've already started with my 8 month old baby girl 😊

@1EarthLovingGal thank you muchly 😊


Important lesson

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 17, 2020

An important and healthy reminder that adults need to remember as well.

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