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An interesting take on kids and video games...

Don't worry about your kids playing too many video games while under quarantine-

Seven days in a row, 19 hours each day, not counting time for meals, Snapchat, or that online math assignment: That's how long your kids could have been playing Fortnite since the quarantine began.

And that's perfectly fine. In fact, maybe you should join them.

Given everything going on in the world (i.e., the global coronavirus pandemic), right now is not the time for parents to worry about exposing their quarantined kids to excessive screen time.

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 20

Enjoy being online again!

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If you haven't already been throwing frisbee and such with your kids, time off work and school is a good time to start though. Physical activity and sunlight can certainly have value for your mental health.

Sunlight??? Blah, we vampires loathe the sun! Oh that's right, I forgot, I'm a werewolf. Joking aside, no sun out today, but alot of rain. Maybe tomorrow might be a better day for a walk.

@SpikeTalon Well cover up for the kids until they're old enough to consent to being turned lol

Yeah, the weather kind of sucks, and nothing against video games, but variety is the spice of life.

@Jnutter819 I agree.

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