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How many sincere atheists are on this site? Click on 'like' fer yes & 'wha' for wha!

Atheist3 7 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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I think sincerity is an emotional word. I am too much of a skeptic to use that word. Yep I do REALLY mean it.

What I'm talking about is 'personal conviction'.


I am am ATHEIST!!!

If you believe in any god(s) who have a sanity problem which associates you into the mass hysteria off shoot of mankind!!!

I am sincere that the mass majority of you pray and ask for help when things go bad in any form for you!!!

When everything goes well and great you never ask for or pray for your god(s) blessings!!!

Be safe out there!

Remember two meters/six feet is now acceptable social Distancing!!!

N95 Face masks and surgical/mechanics latex gloves are still optional!!!


To stick some label such as “atheist” on yourself and pretend that’s your identity is the height of silliness.

for most it is not a label, it is a descriptor of one aspect of your personality

Atheist is not a label; it is a intellectual position.


I am here for the chicks!


None, we are all fake atheists..........

Women always 'fake it'.

@Atheist3 I have, but I gave it up for Lent.......

@AnneWimsey. Your priest told me that you're a notorious liar!

@Atheist3 damn! Sussed!


I don't come across insincere atheists, either here or anywhere else. That's because the term atheist is so loaded, considered such a negative by so many ill-informed people, that calling oneself an atheist takes a degree of courage, or self- confidence certainly, that insincerity doesn't usually apply. From my experience atheists make a clear statement and doing that insincerely is at odds with that. You specifically asked about atheists and my comment is on that basis.


there seem to be here
Anti-theist who are actively against religion and cults who are usually but not necessarily also atheists
Atheists who see no adequate reason or evidence to believe in a god
Apatheist who are simply indifferent to the existence of a deity and religion
"Spiritual" atheists and agnostics who I personally just regard as hedge betters and Pascals wet dream.
Those who accept new age or eastern teachings but not the concept of a god/gods in the western sense.
Deists who think the universe is god
and religious trolls doing missionary work.

and of course combinations of any two or more.

Personally fall in to the Atheist/anti-theist camp.


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