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Lia and I picked up the free bag lunch from school and drove to Sodus Point to dine al fresco. It was 25 deg and very windy, but the sun was out. A few fishermen made their way to the lighthouse but gave up and come back.
It was a quick lunch but good to get out of the house. On the way home, we checked by Second Creek outlet for the swans that land there on their way to or from Canada. They had not arrived yet. There were some turkey vultures in the sky doing their mating dance.
Maybe tomorrow we can visit the swamp where the bullfrogs and peepers live.

Spinliesel 9 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Got caught snooping around work today, so was put to work by the boss. Afterwards I continued on my original mission, driving to the peak of the Blue Ridge here in Virginia. Listened to both NC and VA public radio while looking across both states.. Several groups arrived to hike, but today I just sat, read, listened, and looked 🙂

Varn Level 8 Mar 24, 2020

That sounds like a perfect day! I fondly remember my visit to your beautiful neck of the woods.


Yesterday I took my 4 & 6 yo for a walk. We went through an old golf course that's closed but still has the paths open for jogging and cycling. Very overgrown, full of trees, with several stretches of water running through it. We saw a family of turtles with a baby following behind swimming from a walking bridge. We saw butterflies "kissing" ( they are only 4 & 6). We walked through fields of flowers of all different colors. We saw a rabbit run across our path 6 feet away. We sat on top of a hill and compared cloud shapes. We walked about 3 miles and it was awesome. And just as much fun as a pizza arcade or the movies. Maybe more so.

That sounds like a great outing. Your climate is way ahead of ours, still winter here with some snow remaining. We are trying Huckleberry Swamp tomorrow, a nature preserve with good walkways and lots of benches ( I walk with a cane) I am hoping that some of the frogs are already awake. I know there will be birds. Be well.

@Spinliesel Thanks. You too.
Loved reading about your excursion btw

@towkneed Thanks!

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