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We stand the chance over the next few months, witnessing the decimation of the last of the Baby Boomers. All of them are among the most vulnerable due to their age and most have underlying conditions. It used to be that elders were revered, but that time is long gone in our society.

All those people that are ignoring the mefical experts advice are condeming their parents, their grandparents, aunts and uncles to a death sentence. While the millenials and 30-50 throw parties defying docial distancing orders, they become incubators for the virus. Their nonchalance is disappointing and deadly.

They are being bolstered by a President who is willing to accept a high mortality rate of his generation for money and his chances at re-election. This is the greatest demonstration of his lack of empathy to date. Perhaps if we are lucky he will contract it.

t1nick 8 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I must say, my family and friends have been protective and supportive. I’m 59 but I have several chronic illnesses, so I’m more at risk than folks many years older. My daughter leaves things at my door, I can get most things delivered. Other family text to check in. All the family, from my 78 year old dad, to my pregnant niece, are sheltering in place. I feel ok about the measures we’re taking; doing our best to minimize risk.

Good, you are taking precautions. I'm 65 and have scared lungs from numerous bouts of bronchitis and walking pneumonia acquired in the classroom. But I live alone and in a sparsely populated housing compound. I live in a small circular valley protected from the bigger town 12 miles distant by a decommissioned Army Ordinance base watched over by only a few individuals. I am a good candidate for geographic isolation. Maybe I'll evolve. Lol

I only go into Gallup about once a week for groceries and necessities. And then its quick in and quick out.


A teenager in Lancaster CA just died from COVID-19. He allegedly died of septic shock. The teenager did not have any preexisting conditions. His father also has the virus and was in constant contact with the public. You can't assume youths (or anyone at all) are not vulnerable. Everyone needs to be careful and consider others ...[]

Never made that assumption. See below. The greatest percentage of victims are older. Just by the nature of being older, they are more vulnerable for a number of reasons. As more people contract we will surely see more younger victims. But tight now they make up a smaller percentage.

@t1nick I probably could have phrased that better. Perhaps "one can't assume..."

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