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‪More facts Trump and idiots don’t believe. ‬

Charliesey 7 Mar 31

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump and idiots” there a difference 😉

I’d say the problem with his uneducated religious minions are (1, they can’t see those diseases, so ‘how do they know they’re there?’ (2, their ‘god’ wouldn’t have made them, or let them run amok. (3, they don’t understand or ‘believe’ the process of evolution that continues to produce more. (4, their ignorance is used against them, thus compounded weekly. (5, if they ‘must die,’ they’re headed to a better place! Amen..?

Varn Level 8 Mar 31, 2020

The new and improved shingles vaccines is suppose to be 95% effective. I had to pay $140.00 for both shots but having had the shingles it is worth the cost!!

@powder Nope, it cn spring up again and any where else. I had my right eye and surrounding area involved. Still get the neuropathy pain every so often. Everyone I know who has had an outbreak on their back either right or left side have really suffered with continual pain even after the outbreak cleared. 😟

@powder My out break was in October 2018 just in time for Halloween!! I did not need a mask it was grotesque but i was not up to partying. yeah, it's a bitch of a pain.

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