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People for years have accused me of being too hard of an atheist. Telling me I should not have any concerns about other peoples religion. I have always responed that when anyone makes choices based on mythology and acts on them it is dangerous to everyone. I know I have often made that statement here over the years. I have often been pooh poohed for my position.

In my defence I offer covid 19 and many churches descion to continue having services. They go to church and then possibly infect everyone. Religion does have a huge impact on my personal life in such situations. According to them god created everything and thus the virus. Their prayers at church have not been shown to be an effective cure but have huge health issue for everyone.

Have you had any similar thoughts or experinces?

DavidLaDeau 8 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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I am content to leave them to rejoice in their own dangerous insanity. However, I object when they foist their bodily dangers in the form of Covid-19 onto other people.


Some humans do dangerous things, so all humans are dangerous.

skado Level 9 Apr 1, 2020

Yes. For some odd reason the populace of idiotic Americans think that the degenerative ideas of fantasy based citizens are of no particular importance and we should calm down. They are as insane as the fantasy based population. Religion IS the problem in this pathetic nation (pathetic because of religious voters) and needs to be fought. Keep doing your part, David. I've incorporated Deism into my Taoist Zen ideas so that I can, without hypocrisy, throw back things like God's Will (concerning disasters) and other arguments using Biblical reference to discredit them. The fight, sadly, can't be made on logic. It must be fought on their mental soil. Unless we manage to convince them that their lack of humanity is not in keeping with Jesus they will not change. That's what I've come to, anyway.

Thanks for sharing that. Fighting on their mental soil makes sense, and I guess "You worship a god that is a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues?" is part of that battleground.

That's some damned poor soil.

@freeofgod Be richly creative with your humiliation, then.

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