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Dr. Fauci feels the same as I.

MissKathleen 9 Apr 3

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Trump's just a back later he can blame the Governors.

Dear Ms Kathleen.......why didn't you like my comment? I watched Trump on TV where he said he was only a backup for the governors. I have seen how Trump blames others so if this virus situation turns really serious I expect he will be looking for someone else to blame....the governors. I don't like Trump, as I think he is ruining our country by favoring the rich, fighting against health care for all, and removing protections for our environment. Are you a Trump supporter?


Well Trump’s a businessman so I’m guessing it will be good financially in some way.

You don’t have public hospitals and so not everyone will be able to get care.

In other Countries they are slowing down the spread to help hospitals cope with numbers, your hospitals, I’m guessing, will just treat the richest, so Trump and his cohorts will be fine.

The quicker the virus is over with the quicker you guys can get back to work.

Sorry, but that is the only thing that makes sense to me.

@MissKathleen I do worry for you all. Best wishes.



One of the only ones trump and the obstructionist republican fascists can not control by all out lying, fraud and complete utter overt deceit!!!

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