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tRump has made america so great that China is helping to rescue NYC by sending ventilators to them. Good job tRump making america great.

creative51 8 Apr 4

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Well, considering they’d also sent the reason for those ventilators... At least it appears everyone’s stopped blaming the other’s Military.. You don’t unleash shit like this without a vaccine for your own. Personally, I’m more pissed at Russia - they gave us trump! -- and are trying to do it again..

Varn Level 8 Apr 4, 2020

I can't be the only one that remembers trump railing for years about depending on China for our manufacturing, or how he was called racist and xenophobic for it.

@Paracosm i don't think anyone cares about the availability of tacky ties.

@Paracosm always plenty of that to go around.


Anybody remember when We sent other countries people & equipment to combat SARS, Ebola, and etc.....?

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