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Front porch concert. What are you all doing with your isolation?

SweetHarp 7 Apr 6

Enjoy being online again!

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I posted an offer to all of my Facebook friends, to help them set up for video-conferencing. Only one person had taken up my offer.


Long walks … sometimes in circles 🙂 Both rode & drove the Blue Ridge Parkway, at least ‘my segment’ of it. Reading, podcasts (often while walking), streaming the BBC (my favorite news source), DVD’s, YouTube ... checking in with parents ..while they’re still alive 😕 Like the vacation from hell ~

Varn Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

Wish your photo was accompanied by a video. I've never seen anyone playing the harp. That would be a treat! 😀

Unity Level 8 Apr 6, 2020

I am going to set up my karaoke machine & annoy the neighbors, it is supposed to be warm enough tomorrow to open the windows!


Getting yard work done, feeding my fish, getting caught in the rain when I get too ambitious.


Beautiful photo. Working, organizing, being here ...

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