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Bye bye Bernie...

Bernie Sanders drops out of the 2020 Presidential race...

SpikeTalon 9 Apr 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Luckily this socialist SOB will be too old to run next time

I think it is pretty clear Granny that he didn't really run this time either.


We knew it from the start, didn't we? We tried to tell so often to not go down this path, waste money, effort and energy. I hope people will learn the lesson. []

Guess who said here first "Bernie will not be president"?

Yes, it is said: 'First time their fault'... This deal was done about 4 years ago when he was spoorting that head bandage. Guess you have to be from Chicago to read the signs. I did and have been telling self-deluding people ever since. This time? Your fault.


Obama points towards Warren:

You think? He is referring to the pandemic.

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