Positive outcomes of the pandemic!
Anyone one else have almost zero change in their daily lives? I don't leave my house unless necessary anyway.
In fact, as an extreme introvert, when I do go out It is much less likely that I will be approached while shopping by others. It is much easier for me to get what I need done as people avoid contact for me! Much more can now be done online and by phone it is a dream come true! Not to say I in any way wish harm on anyone or any countries economy. It is just much easier for me as I simply am uncomfortable with social situations.
My family has had a few blow ups as we have been locked in together but we have talked things out and have gotten much closer.
My girlfreind that I have been dating six months have spent a couple of weeks together almost constantly. We are now confident that we can actually live togther and make it work.
What positive outcomes have you experienced?
Life is pretty much as usual for us as we're loners by nature. I shop online for as much as I can, but we're too small here to have a grocery online shopping, so I have to go do that. They've opened the store for seniors at 7 a.m. but as as lifelong night person that doesn't work for me, so I tend to go later in the afternoon when I figure people will be heading home to make their dinners. So far, it's working out well for me. We're mid 70's & high risk, so we take as few chances as possible, even though we have no confirmed cases here in our small city.
Getting projects done, because moving furniture to the living room to get to that bad section of floor, and leaving it there until done is not a problem right now!
What I do is considered ‘essential,’ so doing it without dodging people is ..heavenly. Working a lot less away, and not receiving daily calls or messages connected with work is ..dreamy.
My neighborhood is full, though. Whereas I appreciate how most leave others alone ...those who insist being in your business are more active than ever.. I’m not one of them, but will communicate when spoken to … though would rather wave.
Had developed a fast food ..dependance I’d been planning to work on. No problem now, and may never go back! Been ..if not cooking, at least becoming a bit more creative with cans of soup Scavenged some small wild onions that grow everywhere around my new digs, and have been incorporating them into various meals, for the survival kick of it.
I’m no doubt more like you, than your opposites.. Avoiding crowds, I’ve continued to walk, a lot. Yesterday, out & about on foot ..I muttered to myself, ‘Omega Man!’ Had the town to myself!
Keeping up on stuff isn’t that easy, plan to have a windshield replaced, but can’t hang out in their waiting room, can’t walk the streets ..or even wander the Big Box stores till it’s done & cured.. Shops are not busy, though you’ve three people ‘checking you out’ when entering. Sure, I’ve a mask on, sometimes goggles, but am not there to rob them - don’t want to touch their cash..
There are no doubt aspects of this mess I’ll miss, so am trying to enjoy them … sounds like you are, too ~
My life hasn't changed much... When I do go food shopping, I buy more than usual to cut down on the number of trips .. Plus, Frankie is working from home now.. That's a nice change...
My life is little changed except that a couple of scheduled social events have been canceled. We don’t have to stay inside—we can take long walks in the woods, work in the garden, etc.
I feel lucky.
I was never a social person before, and as an essential worker delivering fruits and vegetables my life hasn't changed one Whit. There's a lot less traffic, that is nice.