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“Millions of innocent men, women, and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burned, tortured, fined, and imprisoned, yet we have not advanced one inch toward uniformity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools and the other half hypocrites.”
Thomas Jefferson, in his Notes on Virginia

Scorpio_gurl 6 Apr 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Most religions are nto about the betterment of man, bu rather about gaining and maintaining power ove the masses.


Christianity in its purest, viral, unrestrained form, is one of the worst memes in human history, a mental disease which has been broadly medicated, tamed, and ameliorated since the age of reason, but now seeks to reassert itself in its more original vile toxic form, and all people of reason and good conscience must do all we can to fight it and prevent its return to strength and full toxicity. Anyone doubt this? Read the history of this religion to the modern age.

One thing Christianity and other 'religions' share, across the board is oversight by sexually sick old men with a love of aggrandizing themselves with absurd head gear, lavish garments and fancy slippers of various kinds. This commonality should tell anyone who is observant that they are all poison.

@Silver1wun Indeed. Well said.


Idk, as a recovering catholic, religion feels like a crutch for the weak-minded or burdensome to me.

Emme Level 7 Apr 3, 2018

If the Christians once again solidify political power you may find yourself with a stake up your butt being roasted like a pig.

...Canada is nice.?

@Emme Nice in summer...but cold in winter...too cold.


Murder and killing to make us conform just like governments. its really pecking order taken to a huge new level. chimps and man have one real difference and that is numbers in our troops but the same violence that many species display defending territory. it's natural to be racist/territorial.


Yes, those were wise words from a slave owning economic class elitist which proves we are all fools and hypocrites in different ways. The trick is to do good despite our failings.


let's hope we never reach conformity as that would be the end of us all


You said it, it's such a dismal when you look at history and humanity and the mistreatment that is basically religion, politics, & government. I think the only solution is liberalism and freedom.

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