As a diversion from my recent posts about human evolution, I’d like to get opinions on a literary theme of mine -- i.e. nature will punish humans for the cruel treatment of the animals and nature herself.
My Facebook account shows a picture of Nemesis, the granddaughter of Gaia who is the Greek concept of the world. Nemesis is the Goddess of Vengeance and in my writings I state how she is irate to say the least.
In my first book, Mirror Reversal, I describe how my heroine Cynthia, an evolutionary biology professor, had a profound, Jane Goodall-type, love of the bee hummingbird that she studied in the Amazon Rain Forest of Peru. The bird is a living Peter Pan Tinkerbell, an aped, as big as your thumb that feeds on small insects and aids in the reproductive cycle of the passion flower, one of nature’s must magnificent. It has a long peak to suck nectar.
To recapitulate the history of the bird, Cynthia was heartbroken because the bird was driven to near extinction because Victorian ladies were fond of wearing mummified hummingbirds in their Easter bonnet. Over 800 species of the family Trochilidae were reduced to under 300 that there are today – all to make a holiday fashion statement.
Profound beauty wasn’t the only feature of these birds. They were experts in aeronautics as researchers document that they’ve seen the bee hummingbird do somersaults and fly upside when startled.
No wonder Nemesis is angry. Perhaps coronavirus is just the start of the goddess’ revenge on humankind? We are in the middle of the Antropocene Extinction, the last extinction was 65,000,000 years ago.
Nature doesn’t punish, nature unfolds.
If we insist on going out to sea in a storm and expecting the storm to stop because we are there, it’s not likely to end well for us.
Nature doesn’t care about us one way or the other! It is our responsibility to go with the current, not fight it!
I am sorry to say that, nature does not have intent or purpose. Nemesis is just a human invention, like all the other gods.
Of course, I'm not saying is an actual physical being. It's a mythological concept representing the Earth itself. Pangaea (all Gaia) was the land mass before the supercontinent broke up. Are you saying it never exicted because it's based on mythology?
@Aristippus No I am saying that it never existed in either sense, justice is just an idea in the minds of a few species of social animals including us, it does not exist as a diety or as an abstract law of nature, big nature is purely thoughtless.
In 5.4 billion years from now, the Sun will enter what is known as the Red Giant phase of its evolution. This will begin once all hydrogen is exhausted in the core and the inert helium ash that has built up there becomes unstable and collapses under its own weight.May 9, 2016 []
Seems to me that everything on Earth would go thru a mass extinction, eventually.
Yes but that shouldn't concern us becuae we have plenty of time to enjoy life. I'm an Epicurean who held that nonexistence awaits us. That doesn't mean we can't enjoy pleasure while we're still alive.