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Is it too soon to open for business? []

ToolGuy 9 May 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Yes, that's the right wing solution.

IF everyone who got sick and went to a doctor was tested, and IF authorities traced everyone who came near each person who tested positive for covid, and IF they quarantine only those exposed to people with covid, the entire economy would not need to be shut down, and there would be far fewer confirmed cases and deaths. It's what S Korea and NZ have done. There's a cell phone app that uses Bluetooth to ping nearby cell phones and send encrypted data to a government server. The data is erases after 14 days, because that's all that's needed to track covid infections, in other words to track people nearby who might transmit covid from one to another.

So, the economy can be restarted safely, but ignorance and/or greed prevents appropriate safety measures.


Wage earners all sick/dying, soooo good for the economy!

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